We Believe the Gospel
The Gospel is the good news that "...God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
No matter what you've done, or how you've failed, the death of the Son of God is big enough and strong enough to cover your sin and declare you righteous. When you believe that, God adopts you and makes you a member of His family.
At Bridge everything flows out of the Gospel, and everything comes back to the Gospel. We talk about it, sing about it, remind each other of its beauty, and live out of the freedom it provides.
We Believe in the Trinity
We believe that God is one God in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that God has always existed in this way, and that all three persons are equal in power and glory.
We Believe in the Incarnation
We believe that God became man. God the Son, the second person of the Trinity, was born in human history, and now exists eternally as the God-Man. He is both fully God and fully man, and because He did this, He was able to save sinful men and women from an eternity apart from God.
We Believe that the Bible is God's Word
We believe that God has spoken, and that His Words and His works have been recorded in the Bible. Although the Bible has many human authors, God is the author who spoke through them all. We believe that His Word is beautiful, inspired, inerrant, and sufficient. And because it is God's Word, we are to receive it as the authority ordering our church and our lives.
We Believe in the Resurrection of the Dead
We believe that there is more than this life that we live on earth. We believe that every person ever created will exist forever, either living with God in His Kingdom, or apart from Him in Hell. Nobody deserves to live with Him eternally - the Scripture says that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. It is only by grace through faith in Jesus that we can have hope to live with God eternally.
We Believe that God has Called Us to Mission
We believe that God calls us to be His ambassadors, taking with us His love and grace to a world in need. We are meant to be like Him, to reflect Him, and to invite others to know Him. And we are meant to do this both in word (telling people about Jesus) and in deed (showing them in tangible ways what His love looks like).
Bridge is a reformed church. This means that we strongly and believe in God's Sovereignty, in Christ's Sufficiency, and the Bible's Authority. We are part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), in the Eastern Pennsylvania Presbytery.
Bridge is a presbyterian church. This word comes from the Greek of the New Testament, and it's root means "elder". We use this word because at Bridge, we believe the local church is meant to be led by officers, voted on by the congregation, called elders.
This is a brief summary of our beliefs. As a church plant in the PCA, we affirm our agreement with the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Westminster Standards. If you want to get a fuller picture, you can read further through the Westminster Confession of Faith here.