by Dan Young
Hi Bridge, I miss seeing all of the backs of you folks! I can’t tell you how strange it was, but at the same time how good it was to see all your faces on Zoom. Thank God for technology, even though me and technology don’t get along! Hence that’s why sometimes the verses of the songs don’t match what the worship team is singing (just blame it on the sound guy). In these last weeks of hardship, pain, sickness, social distancing, (and in some cases like Ron’s running out of toilet paper), and in everyone’s case fearing coming down with COVID-19, THERE IS HOPE!
I recently heard a very good sermon on TV and the emphasis of the message was from Deuteronomy 31:6, “BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS. DO NOT BE AFRAID OR TERRIFIED BECAUSE OF THEM, FOR THE LORD GOES BEFORE YOU AND WILL BE WITH YOU; HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU. DO NOT BE AFRAID; DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED.” This is what I have been clinging onto and I wanted to share this with my extended family. I close by asking you all to listen to the song I have attached called “God of All My Days” (Casting Crowns). It’s a song we all can relate to. Here's the link:
Well that’s it. Missing you all and can’t wait until I am seeing all of your backs and hearing all of your voices singing praises again. That’s going to be an awesome worship time!!
With Love and Prayers for All,
Dan The Sound Guy
Love ya Davco! FYI, I was only kidding about the toilet paper, or was I?