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Drinking in the Words

Writer's picture: Bridge Community ChurchBridge Community Church

by Jess Richards

As someone who has struggled with obsessive compulsive disorder throughout my life, the “invisible enemy” of bacteria and viruses has been something that has always caused me to be irrationally afraid. Over the years, I’ve learned that the root of my compulsions is my fear of death. And here we are – my irrational fears have become a reality in the midst of this pandemic. People are hurting and dying. All of us will be impacted by this virus.

Always, but especially right now, I need to trust that the Lord is good. Even as the numbers of infections and deaths climb higher and higher. The Lord is good. I’ve been running to the Psalms to hear the words of those who have come before us. I’ve found that writing them (as seen in the photo above), drinking them in through ink and color, makes the words weightier. Almost like I can feel the heart of David and the other psalmists writing them. I’m reminded that what we are experiencing is not new. We have felt pain and devastation since Genesis 3. More importantly, I’m reminded that we have a Father who wants us to cry out to Him. To cling to Him when everything else only points to devastation. He desires to rescue us. He promises eternity with Him to us. If we trust His promise to us, then death does not win.  

When everything else feels like it is sinking and crumbling, we can trust our Savior, who has already rescued us, to be good. Jesus desires to know us and be with us. Irrational fears have no ground, and death has not won.

My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus' blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame But wholly lean on Jesus' name On Christ the solid rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand When darkness veils his lovely face I'll rest on his unchanging grace In every high and stormy gale My anchor holds within the veil On Christ the solid rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand

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